25. 4. 2016

Dance & medicine (wood element)

Dance and medicine, WOOD element by ZunaArtyci Dance

Zuna Vesan Kozánková has been dancing all her life. She considers dance as one of the potential expressions of her Taoist soul. Zuna studied dance at Dance Conservatory and at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia, shiatsu at Shiatsu KI School in Czech republic and her Chinese medicine (acupuncture) studies took place at the University Guang Ming Beijing in Prague, Czech Republic. She also spent some time on various study tours throughout Europe and Asia. 

Over the recent years, she has been intesively studying Chinese medicine, Qigong and Taoism and had dedicated her studies to the search of interactive interrelations of these ancient teachings with movement of a human body. In addition to being a shiatsu practitioner herself, she has been leading her own Shiatsu School in Slovakia since 2007.

Vodítka k improvizácii: flexibilita a pružnosť ako mladý strom, pevnosť a stabilita ako starý strom, bambus - ideálny vo všetkých smeroch, jar - naliehavosť, iniciatíva, impulzívnosť, zmeny, adaptácia, príťažlivosť, vibrácie, pripravenosť na akciu, rast.